Monday, July 31, 2023

Are you Activity Oriented or Achievement Oriented?

Are you Activity Oriented 

or Achievement Oriented?

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”, goes a saying. But we also come across people for whom, all is play and no work gets done. While both of these are not ideal situations, we invariably come across these two types of people: Activity Oriented and Achievement Oriented.

These two types of people have totally contrasting philosophy of life.

The Activity Oriented people are the ones who believe, “Variety is the spice of life”. They like to try their hands on everything. They don’t say NO to anything. They enjoy new experiences. They are excited to know, explore and understand different things. They are a part of many social organizations and forums, as it gives them an opportunity to meet and network with people from various domains and be popular. They might also be active in social media like Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram. Their day goes with the flow. They are the “I wannabe all that I can be” type of people. For them happiness lies in experiencing.

The Achievement Oriented people are those who are often goal oriented, task focused, like to take up challenges and achieve it. They are into professional networks that enhance their contacts and learning in their specific field. They constantly improvise upon themselves are keen in setting new benchmarks. They often have great clarity over what they want and stick to it. They don’t get easily distracted. They are assertive people, who do not mince words. It is either a YES or NO, or never a MAYBE. They are the “I wannabe the best in what I do” type of people. For them happiness lies in winning.

From an Activity Oriented person’s point of view, the Achievers look like a bunch of serious people who do not know to enjoy life. From an Achiever’s point of view the Activity Oriented ones, are those who are busy wasting their time. But that is just a perspective.

While I am not saying one is better over the other, there are also some facts to consider.

The activity oriented person, might be busy doing different things, but will sense a void of not being able to make a significant mark in anything. And this is emotionally painful. One the other hand, the achievement oriented person, would be someone who is always focused, disciplined and a winner. But he would be missing out on a lot of other fun.

So, how do we balance it? It is not easy. But the simple mantra is “Work while you work and play while you play”. It means that we need to have a clear demarcation of work and play and should not mix it up. This simple yet though discipline will help one go a long way in living a more fulfilling life and enjoy the best of both worlds.

Ultimately the determining factor is: “What gives you happiness?” If you find more happiness in achievement then that is the track meant for you. But if you enjoy living life with a variety, you might have to spread yourself thin, over a number of activities. That is fine too. You just need to be clear on what you want from life. Don’t worry, about what the world says. Live life in your terms. It is your life after all.

  D. Senthil Kannan,

  Managing Trustee, PALMS, Tuticorin.
  Author of "Transformational Thoughts" - A Journey of learning 

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