Monday, July 18, 2022

Zero is Hero

Zero is Hero

“Zero is Hero” may sound like a contradictory phrase, as we always have the highest regard for a hero, whereas we have the lowest regard for a Zero. But I look at Zero as a real Hero, when it comes to the success of any mission. Let me try to explain my viewpoint.

We all know the number Zero is considered as one of the important inventions. Without the invention of the number zero, mathematics wouldn’t have evolved so far. Not so many mathematical theories and calculations would have been possible. Even in computers, the software programme is coded in binary language which is a combination of 0s and 1s. So Zero, is a significant digit, in spite of the fact that it does not have a value on its own.

While we all agree that zero has no value, we also know that the digit zero added to any number increases its value manifold. For instance, the No: 1 has very minimal value, of its own, but when we add zero to it, it becomes 10. When you add one more zero it becomes 100 and one more zero it becomes 1000. So, unless the Number One is supported by many Zeros its value doesn’t increase exponentially.

Same is the case with any organisation. Every organisation exists to fulfil a purpose, and the purpose can be achieved only by its people. Now let us assume that the purpose is No: 1 and the people who work for the purpose are No: 0. The purpose by itself finds little value, unless it is supported by people. Now, when we add the No: 0 to the purpose, its value increases. When we add more people to the purpose, it increases even further.

Let me illustrate, with an example. Gandhi was an ordinary man, but he grew up to so much of significance because he aligned himself to a purpose - the purpose of getting freedom for his countrymen. In the process, there were so many other people who supported him and laid their lives for the cause. There were so many martyrs of freedom, whose name are not popular. They lost their lives but in the process attained freedom for the country. To them, the purpose was more important than fame, family or even their life. According to me, these insignificant people, who lost their lives for the cause they believed in, are the real heroes. Such types of leaders are truly exemplary.

 When the purpose is bigger than the person, the person may not be significant but without the person the purpose cannot be achieved.

Also Zero implies an egoless state. An egoless state is what it takes to be a great leader. When it comes to an organisational vision or mission, the person should subdue his ego to the cause, so that the purpose of the organisation is achieved. When it comes to an argument between two people, the deciding criteria shouldn’t be “who is right?” but “what is right?” When people of a team, work with such a mindset, then the purpose becomes more easily achievable. A beautiful quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson, goes like this: “There is no limit to what can be accomplished if it doesn't matter who gets the credit.”

This is not the case today, in many social organisations,  that are meant to function to serve a purpose. They have lost its focus on the purpose as the leaders are too concerned about developing their personal identity rather than subordinate themselves to the purpose. Such types of organisations don’t serve the purpose, nor grow in value. They soon find a dooms day, with too many leaders and no followers. Without the Zeros, there is no big accomplishment.

So, let us learn to respect the “Zeroes as Heroes”.

 D. Senthil Kannan,

Managing Trustee, PALMS, Tuticorin.
Author of "Transformational Thoughts" - A Journey of learning 

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