Resolve to laugh more often

New year is the time of the year when
we all make resolutions. While most of you might be setting your eyes and
ambitious plans and goals for the year, let me request you to add, “I will
laugh more this year”, as one of your New Year resolutions.
Why Laughter? Because laughter is a
healthy proposition, that will help you combat stress, in your pursuit of your
ambitious goals.
So here are some facts. The average child laughs 300 to 500 times a day
while the average adult laughs only about 15 times a day. So, we are laugh deprived
We have often heard, “Laughter is the best medicine”, but we
don’t take aid of this free medicine. Probably because, we don’t trust anything
that doesn’t have a scientific proof.
I found the benefits of laughter are
too huge to ignore. There are umpteen numbers
of benefits, but here is the TOP 5:
1. Laughter enhances energy levels, due to the increased supply of fresh oxygen that is made available while laughing
2. Laughter makes us feel good, as endorphins are released by our brain, when we laugh
3. Laughter relives stress and helps in relaxation
4. Laughter boosts our immunity and prevents many diseases.
5. It also relieves pain, by producing natural pain killers.
While the benefits are so obvious,
why not put it to practice. The best part is, it doesn’t cost you any money and
is not a strain on yourself, physically or mentally.
In order to get the scientifically proven
health benefits of laughter, we need to laugh continuously for at least for 10
to 15 minutes. The laughter has to be loud and deep, coming from the diaphragm.
It should be a belly laugh. This type of laughter is possible, only when you
can laugh without any reason. So,
the point to remember is not to search for a reason to laugh, rather laugh just
for the sake of laughing. Our brain doesn’t distinguish between real laughter
and fake laughter and therefore the effects are the same. Therefore, never wait
for someone to tell a joke, or do something silly to initiate laughter. Just
laugh for no reason and soon you would see that you are becoming more healthy
and happy.
good thing about laughter is that, it is contagious. So the moment we start
laughing everyone around us will start to laugh too. This will create a higher
vibration of laughter benefitting everyone involved.
May be you should consider having a
sign board at your desk or at your bed head, which says “Did you LAUGH
today?”. This can ensure you have had
your daily dose of laughter.
So, this new year, resolve to laugh more often and live a happier life
than ever.
D. Senthil Kannan,
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