Monday, January 25, 2021

Bless the People Around You


Bless the People Around You

We are conditioned to think that ‘Blessing’ is a big word and that it is often connected to God or the elderly people. But in fact blessing is a very common thing that we keep giving to others in our daily life, either intentionally or unintentionally. 

Don’t you agree that every genuine act of love is a blessing? In this way, the love of your mother is a blessing, the care of your spouse is a blessing, the smile of your children is a blessing, the appreciation of your friend is a blessing, the motivation of your peers is a blessing; and the list is endless. So are they all not blessing you in some way?  But the irony is we never take time to appreciate it. We take it for granted.

It is the same thing with God. We wake up every morning, but don’t feel blessed that God has given us one new day to live. We have more than enough food to eat, but never realize that we are blessed so much as compared to a millions of people who are starving. But every morning, we make it a ritual to go to the prayer room and pray God to bless us abundantly, while he has already blessed us with abundance.  This is a beautiful line that justifies the above, “When we choose not to focus on what is missing from our lives, but are grateful for the abundance that is present… we experience heaven on earth.”  With the abundance God has given us, it is our duty to impart his blessing to the people around us.

Even if we should assume that blessing is an act of God, then we need to realize that God cannot come and bless each one of us individually. He blesses us through some human form.  There is a belief that as it is difficult for God to do favours to every human being individually, he sends an invisible guardian angel along with every human being who is born on this earth. That angel is always there with you, listening to your problems and trying to find ways to help you.  At the appropriate moment, she will bring someone in your life to come and help you. The person may be someone close to you or someone who you have never met in your life before. If you ponder a while, you will be able to relate some event in your own life, when you felt blessed by an unknown person.

When somebody needs help and you are there for them at the time of their need, are you not blessing them? Let us say your friend, is in a financial crisis and you go and lend him some money and tell him “I know that you are in need of some money now. I have some savings, which I don’t need at the moment. I am not in a hurry; you can pay it back when you are comfortable”, will he not find it as a blessing. A blessing is a way of answering someone’s prayer.

It need not be that only elders deserve to bless the young ones. Anyone can bless anyone. The age is not important, but it is the genuineness of the wish that is important. For example: When you give alms to a beggar, he or she says, “May you live happily”. Do you ever question, whether the beggar deserves to bless you. You just take it as a positive statement. Is it not? When somebody helps us, we feel so thankful to them that we say some nice words, which is a blessing to them. So blessing is reciprocal. When you bless someone with your kind deeds, you are blessed back with their kind words. So when we keep doing good things to people around us they will keep blessing us, with good words and genuine smiles. The more blessings we receive, the more our day will be happy and good, because of the positive vibration that comes with it

What we need to understand is that, every genuine wish is a blessing. Every noble help is a blessing. Donating blood is a blessing. Helping someone in a road accident is a blessing.  Caring for the elderly is a blessing. Saying ‘Good morning’ to someone is a blessing.  Wishing someone, ‘All the best’ is a blessing. When someone conveys good news, and you congratulate them and wish them well, it is a blessing.

Start blessing the people around you and see the positive change it brings in your life.

D. Senthil Kannan,
Managing Trustee, PALMS, Tuticorin.
Author of "Transformational Thoughts" - A Journey of learning 

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