Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Smash down Negative Thoughts with Positive Actions


Smash down Negative Thoughts
with Positive Actions

Many people think I am positive person, but only I know how much difficulty I have in dealing with my negative thoughts. Everyone has negative thoughts. No one is immune from it. A research says that a person has around 60,000 thoughts every day and out of which more than 80% are negative. These negative thoughts are not bad as such, but rather essential, because they have been the determinant to human survival in the process of evolution.

Our subconscious mind operates on the trigger of our fears and dreams. Man is motivated by fears and dreams. So negative thoughts, are nothing but fears in disguise. To list, here are a few negative thoughts, that are quite commonly found- hate, anger, jealousy, sadness, depression, helplessness, not feeling loved, lonely, suicidal etc. If we look at the root cause of all this, we will find, that it is because of some sort of fear that overshadows or threatens our ego.


So how does one stay positive despite all such negative thoughts? I take conscious effort to convert my negative thoughts into positive thoughts and this is the technique I follow and find effective too. “Whenever I get a negative thought, I smash it down with a positive action.”

Let me explain this with an example: Few days back, one of my social acquaintance, had posted in  a WhatsApp group, a birthday pic of herself, performing various social roles. The first thought that came to mind was that she was self-boasting, which is not a true reflection of her. But then, I asked myself, “Who am I to judge that. What is really bothering me?” and I realized that it was just an ego play, that was showing up in form of such contempt. So, I quicky posted a congratulations message as a response to the post and in some time, I started to feel good about myself.

 I am sure many of you might have faced such situations. It is so common today, for people to post so many trivial things in social media, such as baking a cake or dining out or watching the first show of a movie. Our normal thought might be, “Why the heck would someone post this?  It is OK to ignore it, without any comment. But, if you feel that you don’t want to respond, because you are feeling envy, then the best way to counter the envy is to respond with a positive message by saying something like “WoW”, “That is lovely.” “  I am happy for you”. “Glad to see you all smiles” or at least an emoji of a thumbs up, clapping hand or an appropriate smiley. It might sound as an inauthentic expression of self, but when you do that you will experience the positive feeling that that action generates.

So, how does it work?  In psychology, there is a concept of Thoughts – Action – Feelings Triad, which is supposed to be connected to one another. By changing one of them, which is in your immediate control, you can change the things, which are not in your immediate control. When we choose a positive action, we can create a positive feeling, which will ultimately lead to a positive thought too. So, here you can see the link of the chain of events that follow one another: Negative Thought – Positive Action – Positive Feeling – Positive Thought. This is a simple yet effective strategy, we can follow to smash down our negative thoughts.


There is a nice saying “An idle mind is a devil’s workshop”. It is so true. The devil’s work is to produce negative thoughts. So, whenever you are getting some negative thoughts, recognize the devil and engage in some positive physical activity, to combat and destroy it. I have heard people say, I am not in a mood to do anything. That is when they should be actually doing something, otherwise they might get into a spiral downward loop of negative thoughts. For instance, if you are feeling down or stressed, just take a brisk walk or get into some physical activity and you can see, for yourself how your mood transforms.

Our thoughts, feelings and actions are connected and by altering one of the variables which is in our control, we can change the ones, which are not in our control. So, next time you feel so irritated that you want to go hit someone, just go and shake your hands or hug that person and see what  difference it makes to your feeling.

D. Senthil Kannan,

  Managing Trustee, PALMS, Tuticorin.
  Author of "Transformational Thoughts" - A Journey of learning 
  Email: senthilkannand@gmail.com

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