Monday, October 30, 2023



If you can dream it, you can do it.

                            ~ Walt Disney

As a part of the various awareness programmes we offer to school students, through the service organisation SPARK, we were contemplating on doing a programme on Motivation for students of Std 7. We chose the programme title as, “Aspire to Achieve” as it was very much in lines, with the thought we wanted to sow in the young minds.


While getting ready the content for the programme, I thought of coining an acronym, so that it is easy to remember and recall. Instantly, I came up with this magic word - “DREAMS”. DREAMS are such powerful things,that motivate us to work towards achieving a goal. So, I thought it was a very apt word to be converted into an acronym. I then started to ponderfor one quality for each letter, which can ensure a person to succeed in life.After a lot of deliberation and discussion, with fellow SPARK members, we arrived at this.

  •   Desire
  •    Resilience
  •    Energy
  •   Action
  •   Motivation
  •  Self Discipline

We then tried to shortlist a role model of each quality, so that it would be easy for the students to connect.Though this exercise was primarily done, having the young students in mind, I feel that it equally applies to every one of us. So, let me elaborate a bit on each, to see how far we can relate with this.

Desire– Nothing happens in life without desire. All great accomplishments in the world, is the result of someone’s ardent desire. Desire is the fire that lights up one’s imagination to believe something is possible and to work towards it. All scientific invention and discoveries are a result of a desire to find a solution to a problem.

Resilience–Not all efforts give immediate positive results. Success is not guaranteed but failure should not break us down. We need to develop the “Don’t give up” attitude and the willpower muscle. The ability to look at failure as feedback and learning, is vital to help us continue to strive without losing faith and confidence in ourselves.

Energy– Just like a rocket needs fuel to propel to reach great heights, we human beings need energy too.  Energy comprises of our physical energy, mental energy and emotional energy too. Unless, we are able to streamline our energy in a particular direction, we will not be able to achieve our goals.

Action– All plan and no action, is like having a building plan without constructing a building. Without action, we cannot convert our dreams to reality. So, we need to put our thoughts into action. And quite often, it is the first step that is most difficult. Once we get the ball rolling, then it will pick momentum.

Motivation– Motivation is a combination of Motive +Action. So unless we have a strong motive, we cannot be consistent in our action. All of us have good days and bad days. There are days when we feel highly charged up and there are days when we feel low. We may not find appreciation for the work we do, but we need to constantly cheer ourselves up and stay motivated.

Self Discipline- Highly successful people have enormous amount of self discipline. They have a system and schedule in place and faithfully adhere to it. They don’t give into the temptations of daily distraction. Rather they stay focussed on their goals. They manage their time and resources prudently.

Let me end this article, with this favourite quote of mine

"Whateveryou vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe and enthusiastically act upon must inevitably come to pass.”

If we look at this a bit more closely, we will be able to realise that all great achievers, had most of these qualities in common. Wishing all your dreams come true!

  D. Senthil Kannan,

  Managing Trustee, PALMS, Tuticorin.
  Author of "Transformational Thoughts" - A Journey of learning 

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