Monday, June 20, 2022

Man’s search for Immortality

Man’s search for Immortality

In one of the whatsapp group in which I am a part of, we were discussing the concept of immortality. So, I was able to realise that everyone has this innate desire to leave a mark in this planet which will be long remembered.

Stephen Covey, states that the purpose of human life is to live, to love, to learn and leave a legacy. By saying, leave a legacy he says that human beings are capable of leaving a strong footprint in this planet, by doing something significant that the future generations will remember them for.

As I ponder, on this I am able to think of a number of ways, by how human beings can make their presence felt in this earth, even after they die.

Eponym: Eponyms are terms, laws, theories or any findings named after a person. For example, Newton’s law, Darwin’s theory, Archimedes Principle are some of the many. So, people by virtue of inventing or finding something, create a name for themselves, which is forever remembered by their name.

Being an Author: Though we may die, our thoughts can continue to live on this earth as words, as long as it is worth being read. For example, Thiruvalluvar who lived over 2000 years back, is still remembered through his Thirukural, which stays relevant even today. Similarly, there are many poets, philosophers, scholars who have etched a mark for themselves by their valuable thoughts in words.

Work of Art, Music and Architecture: Leonard da Vinci is remembered for his paintings. Beethoven continues to live in the memory of people, through his symphony Shahjahan is remembered for his great work on marble - the Taj Mahal. Many Kings and Rulers, engaged in creating masterpieces of architecture, art and music,  to be remembered in the annals of history.

Statue & Memorials: Putting up a Statue or a Memorial in honour of great leader or a noble man is also an way, for that person to be remembered by the future generations.

Naming of Road or Area: It is quite common to see some road names, street names or an area in the name of some political leader, in India. For example, many towns in Tamilnadu have a Annanagar ( in memory of the past Chief Minister of the State). This trend continues.

Founders of a religion or a cult: Founders of religion or some religious cult, have attained the status of immortality through their preachings. Some examples includes:  Jesus Christ, Buddha, Mahavira, Bodhidharma and Sai Baba.

Through Charity: People donate their money or service to educational or social institution, and as a mark of honouring their contribution, a  building or a part of the building is named after them. It is yet another noble way of leaving the name, in the minds of people.

Donating Eyes and Organs: One more people continue to live after they die is  by donating the organs to a needy person. Though this may not exceed for a long time, it still makes an impact in the life of the person who benefitted by it and brings a good name for the person who donated it.

Having and Nurturing Children: One of the simple ways, a man remains immortal is by having and nurturing good children. In India, we have this concept of ancestral worship too, which makes it possible. A parent who has left a good name, fame and fortune for his family will be remembered for atleast 3 generations, which may be a timeline of 200 years.

So, my assumption is that, History doesn’t remember most of the people who lived in this earth for more than 200 years. A very few have lasted in the memory for 2000 years. So, even this concept of immortality has a time frame. But, my thought is that, all those people who are looked up as immortals today, perhaps didn’t have a desire to be an immortal. They just did their work with great passion and as a result of their achievement or contribution, they have attained this stature. So, let us just continue doing our best in whatever we do. Who knows? We may attain this stature of immortality too.

 D. Senthil Kannan,

Managing Trustee, PALMS, Tuticorin.
Author of "Transformational Thoughts" - A Journey of learning 

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