Sunday, November 14, 2021

Security Check

Security Check

I was at the Delhi Airport a few days back, when I had to stand in a long queue for the routine security check. As I was standing, I looked around to see how much of congestion this security checking procedure was causing.

It was an early morning flight for which I had to wake up quiet early, get ready and find a cab to reach the airport atleast 2 hour ahead of schedule.

While, I was getting a little restless, with this snail speed security procedure, my mind started to ponders to as “Why is it we have to come to the airport so early, while we can rush to the railway station or the bus stop, even at the last moment?” It is because of this time taking security check, where we need to go through an entire gamut of process, which includes showing our id card and ticket before we enter the airport, then getting the check-in baggage scanned and sealed, proceeding to pick the boarding card and moving towards the security check gate, where our hand baggage gets scanned, and we are asked to remove our laptops and mobiles to be send separately through the scanner. (In some countries, the passenger is also asked to remove his belt and shoes, which also passes through the scanning machine). After which we walk through the scanning metal frame and being frisked by the security officer, before he could stamp a security seal in our boarding card and make us, “Flight worthy”.

So, I was just thinking, “Why is that we need to go through SECURITY CHECK  procedure at the first place.” Well, the answer is obvious. It is in common interest of all and primarily to ensure the safety of the passengers. As the safety of everyone is important, everyone wilfully goes through this systematic process, to ensure they travel safely. When I am being checked, I am also sure that all the other passengers are equally being checked which gives me the peace of mind, that no untoward event would happen in the course of my travel. Probably, it is the prayer and wish of everyone to travel safe.

I was just guessing, how many flight hijacks or terrorist attacks would have happened on an aeroplane, over the years. Probably a few, inspite of all these security checks.

Looking at it from the other way, how many hijacks or attacks have been possibly avoided owing to the security checks. The answer is unknown. It could be a lot more or a few more, but not something which we can take a chance of guessing.

If we were to think about this as a percentage it would be hardly negligible, but even one negative incident, can cause the lives of many innocent people. And the life of everyone is important.

While we cannot leave the aspect of security to chance, undoubtedly it is one of the annoying experiences, every passenger faces every time, he/she makes a flight travel. Moreover, the collective amount of time lost, by all passengers is so huge. The amount of money, spent on such security measures are too high. In an age, where we work on a time – productivity matrix, this is a huge chunk of time that goes waste on an unproductive task.

It is such an irony of life, that the neagtive intentions of a few people, results in so much of disturbace to the common man. While I don't forsee a solution to this problem, I only pray and wish a simpler and quicker system evolves, to take care of this security check aspect. Even more ideal would be a day, when everyone is in peace with each other, that there is not a need for a security check, at all.

    D. Senthil Kannan,

    Managing Trustee, PALMS, Tuticorin.
    Author of "Transformational Thoughts" - A Journey of learning 

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